And I start NOT trying to think differently!
I thought about it for a long long time. Why is being different SO "cool"? Why have we, as a society, started treating such "different" people as existing in a different realm altogether? Related to this, but not completely part of this, is the romanticizing of rebelliousness. And if you think being a rebel is so great, then why stop at "rebel thinkers"? Why don't you proceed towards idolization of anti socials? Who burn tires, who spray graffiti on walls and who, I think, should be declared as Public Nuisance of the First Order! Maybe, since they think differently, since their ideas of society are so twisted, we should treat them with the same respect with which we treat people who are intellectually different!
Anyways, I ramble. Coming back to the point of those intellectually different, whose thinking is too complex for normal, conventional people to understand. Is being normal so uncool? Calling a spade a spade is not good. No. You have to philosophize on the existence of the spade and spin yarns around it so that people say "Wow! Here is someone unconventional!"
Don't get me wrong. I am not here to bash such people. Indeed, as I know so many of them, they wouldn't even care! What I here say is that straight-thinkers are NOT inferior! You go by the straight, short path and not by a circuitous, long route; then good for you and others! A minority choose the second route, then good for them and other like minded people! The former don't have to put the latter on a different plane!
As I come to the end of my first blog, I would ask the reader to be a little lenient, a little forthcoming and treat this as a blog and not as a rant (which it seems to be).
Thank you
Comments welcome!