Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Being "different" is overrated

I start thinking out loud from today. I start telling in detail, what exactly I am thinking, instead of giving a glimpse of them in Facebook statuses.

And I start NOT trying to think differently!

I thought about it for a long long time. Why is being different SO "cool"? Why have we, as a society, started treating such "different" people as existing in a different realm altogether? Related to this, but not completely part of this, is the romanticizing of rebelliousness. And if you think being a rebel is so great, then why stop at "rebel thinkers"? Why don't you proceed towards idolization of anti socials? Who burn tires, who spray graffiti on walls and who, I think, should be declared as Public Nuisance of the First Order! Maybe, since they think differently, since their ideas of society are so twisted, we should treat them with the same respect with which we treat people who are intellectually different!

Anyways, I ramble. Coming back to the point of those intellectually different, whose thinking is too complex for normal, conventional people to understand. Is being normal so uncool? Calling a spade a spade is not good. No. You have to philosophize on the existence of the spade and spin yarns around it so that people say "Wow! Here is someone unconventional!"

Don't get me wrong. I am not here to bash such people. Indeed, as I know so many of them, they wouldn't even care! What I here say is that straight-thinkers are NOT inferior! You go by the straight, short path and not by a circuitous, long route; then good for you and others! A minority choose the second route, then good for them and other like minded people! The former don't have to put the latter on a different plane!

As I come to the end of my first blog, I would ask the reader to be a little lenient, a little forthcoming and treat this as a blog and not as a rant (which it seems to be).

Thank you
Comments welcome!


  1. Great thoughts...very rebellious and thought provoking...

    And I have just one thing to got only one it your own way...make sacrifices/adjustments for your loved ones...and for the rest show them your middle finger...coz when you would be in deep shit these ppl wont be there to take you out from that shit-hole...

    keep writing like this...I love such posts which come straight from the heart...and I look forward to reading more from you...


  2. nyc....i agree dat it isnt uncool being norm...
    some ppl might do what d crowd does while others might do things differently. Fine! its der choice no need to put them in a different league.
    Keep d blogs cming BK

  3. @ che..thanks paaji...u are right about that part...dont change becoz the world says so! after all, the world doesnt change becoz u say, does it?

    @itsmeniks90...thanx a lot! :-)

  4. Delicate rant :) Keep writing and i would love to see you write more elaborately on a topic that is close to you.

  5. Very well compiled! As you mention regarding the straight forwardness of thoughts, it is clearly evident in your writing. Whatever you have written has a point to make in itself!

    You very well associated the terms like “rebel – thinkers”, “public nuisance” & “Anti-social”. I would just like to throw a light on the brighter side of your idea. We are residing in a society where you will find “straight-thinkers” and “different-thinkers”. And it the blessing of the universe, that we have at least some brain which thinks differently. If not, we wouldn’t have known what a mass is made up of, then visibly we would not know what humans are made up of(atoms), we would be clueless about how we extract energy out of the food, indirectly we would not know the rationale of human existence! People like Einstein, Galileo, Charles Babbage , Aristotle, Plato & etc, thought differently, came up with ideas and most outstandingly acted on them that’s why we know many secrets about the mankind on which we could rely on.

    The straight thinkers & even the different thinkers gave various theories covering various fields. But almost all the theories are revised now and then, thus bringing some or the other alteration to it. Thanks to the ones who thought differently. BUT, it does not mean the model of thinking straight was unseen. Fields like psychology, philosophy, astrology, ontology& metaphysics holds no ground if it is not backed by logic & numbers! And, to extract the best out of the numbers, we need a straight thinker.

    Take a current example – Straight thinkers would do remarkable work in the sales department of a business company, but we would require some “different thinkers” in the marketing area! Now thinking like a straight thinker, I can say that the sales department deals with WHAT(profit, income, loss & etc), while the marketing department deals with HOW, i.e. strategies and how to support the “WHAT”!

    Finally, thinking in itself is subject to think on! We all are bombarded with ideas from all around. Now, hypothetically you have attracted one idea, and if you attach deductive critical analysis or logical and practical reasoning of that particular idea you become a straight thinker. And, on the other hand if your cognition involves creativity or inventiveness, that same idea will be perceived in a complete different manner!

    To summarize, we all are different + straight thinkers! But, how we distinguish an idea determines our greater part of our thinking process.

    By the way, i liked your idea!

  6. Indeed! What you said, is actually another reason NOT to create an halo around the heads of the so- called different thinkers! Your views are a logical second step after reading my blog. Defining a different-thinker is a bit difficult and differentiating him/her from a straight-thinker (what a term, but hell, it'll serve the purpose)is tougher . I am happy atleast I got people thinking, which was what I aimed while writing the blog. I would have advised you to write a blog, based on your comment, but that would be akin to flaying a dead horse!

  7. I will consider your advice surely!

  8. though i've different views, it feels good to have people around you who can stop and talk about such shit.

    my views?? ok.
    as long as you have the stomach to follow your mind and quirks when it results in you being different it sure IS very cool.
    BUT if you're doing it everywhere over and over for the heck of it (which i think is not a common occurrence), it would be fucked up and totally UNCOOL.

    so, in usual circumstances, being able to think and act different really IS cool.

  9. Well,The Conventional thinkers are in the minority currently..So..don't worry about fading into the oblivion y'all..
    It's the unconventional and the "Twisted Whiskers" like us who need to look out..
    There is going to be a lot of chaos..we'd be rampaged by your sheer number...
    And our eccentricities..

    Nice article btw BK..Cheers..
